CENL LabMeeting - Journal Club Presentations
Note: The goal of these Jclubs is to keep the lab updated on the latest science (< 2years), and practice our rapid 'what's-the-message' reading skills! Focus on the figures...
August 8th, 2024: Marium: Distinct manifold encoding of navigational information
in the subiculum and hippocampus. Nakai et al., 2024.
July 18th,2024: Brandon: Recognizing structure in novel tunes: differences between human
and rats. Crespo-Bojorque et al, 2024.
June 20th, 2024: Hannah: Chronic REM sleep deprivation leads to manic- and OCD-related
behaviors, and decreases hippocampal BDNF expression in female rats. (Abbasi et al, 2023)
June 6th, 2024: Carlo: Effect of long-term caloric restriction on DNA
methylation measures of biological aging in
healthy adults from the CALERIE trial (Waziri et al, 2023)
April 11th, 2024: Natalie: Behavioral domains in compulsive rats: implications for understanding compulsive spectrum disorders. Martin-Gonzalez et al, 2023.
March 27th, 2024: Gabriella: Examination of empathy-like behaviour in
nicotine-preferring rat lines. Demirel et al, 2024.
March 14th, 2024: Hannah: Sex differences in the effects of mild traumatic brain injury and progesterone treatment on anxiety-like behavior and fear conditioning in rats. Fox et al, 2023.
Feb 29th, 2024: Carlo: Ventral hippocampal cholecystokinin interneurons gate contextual reward memory. Nguyen et al, 2024.
Feb 15th, 2024: Shailey: Acute stress facilitates habitual behavior in female rats. Dougherty et al, 2024.
Feb 1st, 2024 : Marium: Volitional activation of remote place representations with a hippocampal brain–machine interface. Lai et al, 2024. <Movie>.
Nov 20th, 2023: Heather: Cross-modal representation of identity in the
primate hippocampus. Tyree et al, 2023.
Oct 23rd, 2023:Alex: Traumatic brain injury-induced submissive behavior in rats: link
to depression and anxiety. Boyko et al, 2022.
Oct 9th, 2023: Carlo: Neural activation associated with outgroup helping in adolescent rats. Breton et al, 2022.
Sept 18th, 2023: Shailey: Prelimbic Cortex Activity during a Distress Tolerance Task
Predicts Cocaine-Seeking Behavior in Male, But Not Female
Rats. Moshak et al, 2023.
August 28th, 2023: Marium: Sleep—A brain-state serving systems memory consolidation. Brodt et al, 2023.
August 8th, 2023: Heather: Interactive neurorobotics: Behavioral and neural dynamics of agent interactions. Leonardis et al 2022.
July 25th, 2023: Alex: Multi-scale goal distance representations in human hippocampus during virtual spatial navigation. Liu et al, 2023.
July 11th,2023: Shailey: Influence of excessive sucrose consumption on exploratory behaviour in rats – Possible implications for the brain reward system. Modlinska et al, 2023.
June 27th, 2023: Jean-Marc: Object-centered population coding in CA1 of the hippocampus. Nagelhus et al, 2023.
April 14th, 2023: Shailey: Effects of methylphenidate on impulsive choice and delay aversion in Lewis rats. Panfil et al. 2023.
March 31st, 2023: Marium: Electrophysiological markers of memory consolidation in the
human brain when memories are reactivated during sleep. Creery et al. 2022.
March 17th, 2023: Zach: Computational synthesis of cortical dendritic
morphologies, Kanari et al, 2022.
February 24th, 2023: Julia: Hippocampal place cells have goal-oriented vector fields during navigation. Ormond and O'Keefe, 2022.
February 10th, 2023: Jean-Marc: How to build a cognitive map. Whittington et al, 2022.
April 22nd, 2022: Sayu: Spatial Navigation and Visuospatial Strategies in Typical and Atypical Aging. Laczo et al, 2021.
April 15th, 2022: Marco: Rapid coordination of effective learning by the human hippocampus. Kragel et al, 2021.
April 7th, 2022: Chris: Floor vibrations for motivation and feedback in the rat vibration actuating search task. Lawrence-SideBottom et. al. 2021
March 25th, 2022: Marco: Breathing coordinates cortico-hippocampal dynamics in mice during offline states. Karalis et al, 2022.
March 18th, 2022: Julia: Task related connectivity of decision points during spatial navigation in a schematic map. Qi et al, 2022.
February 25th, 2022: Sayu: Ventral hippocampus lesions and allocentric spatial memory in the radial maze: Anterograde and retrograde deficits. (Ramos & Moron, 2022).
February 18th, 2022: Chris: Differential prioritization of intramaze cue and boundary information during spatial navigation across the human lifespan. Glockner et al, 2021.
January 28th, 2022: Marco: Spatial maps in piriform cortex during olfactory navigation. Poo et al, 2022.
January 7th, 2022: Chris: Hippocampus–Prefrontal Coupling Regulates Recognition Memory for Novelty Discrimination. Wang et al, 2021.
Dec 10th, 2021: Marco: Fear balance is maintained by bodily feedback to the insular cortex in mice. Klein et al, 2021.
October 22nd, 2021: Marco: Prefrontal synaptic activation during hippocampal memory reactivation. Nishimura et al, 2021.
October 15th, 2021: Chris: Vitamin C attenuates memory loss induced by post-traumatic stress like behavior in a rat model. Alzoubi et al, 2020.
October 8th, 2021: Sayu: Environmental noise degrades hippocampus-related
learning and memory. Zhang et al, 2020.
Oct 1st, 2021: Chris: Vitamin C attenuates memory loss induced by post-traumatic stress like behavior in a rat model. Alzoubi et al, 2020.
Sept 24th, 2021: Julia: Hippocampus Guides Adaptive Learning during Dynamic Social Interactions. FeldmanHall et al, 2021.
Sept 10th, 2021: Sayu: Inactivation of the striatum in aged rats rescues their ability to learn a hippocampus-sensitive spatial navigation task. Gardner et al, 2020.
Sept 17th, 2021: Marco: A metabolic function of the hippocampal sharp wave-ripple. Tingley et al, 2021.
August 27th, 2021: Julia: Geometry of abstract learned knowledge in the hippocampus. Nieh et al, 2021.
August 20th, 2021: Chris: Cognitive map–based navigation in wild bats revealed by a new high-throughput tracking system. Toledo et al, 2020.
August 13th, 2021: Marco: Crucial role for CA2 inputs in the sequential organization of CA1 time cells supporting memory. MacDonald et al, 2021.
August 3rd, 2021: Chris: Caffeine-related effects on cognitive performance: Roles of apoptosis in rat hippocampus following sleep deprivation. Xie et al, 2021.
July 23rd, 2021: Marco: Subiculum as a generator of sharp wave-ripples in the rodent hippocampus. Imbrosci et al, 2021.
July 9th, 2021: Omar: Age-related emotional bias in associative memory consolidation: The role of
sleep. Huan et al, 2020.
July 2nd, 2021: Julia: Multiscale representation of very large environments
in the hippocampus of flying bats. Eliav et al, 2021.
June 25th, 2021: Sayujya: Route Selection in Barrier Avoidance. Baxter and Warren, 2020.
June 18th, 2021: Yuxin: Synergistic Benefits of Group Search in Rats. Nagy et al, 2020.
June 4th, 2021: Chris: Vision and Locomotion Combine to Drive Path Integration Sequencesin Mouse Retrosplenial Cortex. Mao et al, 2020.
May 21st and 28th, 2021: Marco: Gamma rhythm communication between entorhinal
cortex and dentate gyrus neuronal assemblies. Fernandez-Ruiz et al, 2021.
May 7th,2021: Julia: LTD is involved in the formation and maintenance
of rat hippocampal CA1 place-cell fields. Ashby et al, 2021.
April 30th, 2021: Omar: Assessment of Sleep, K-Complexes and Sleep Spindles in a T21 Light-Dark Cycle. Deibel et al, 2020.
April 23rd, 2021: Daniel: Are There Multiple Motivators for
Helping Behavior in Rats? Silva et al, 2020.
April 16th, 2021: Blake: Reward-predictive cues elicit excessive reward seeking in adolescent rats. Marshall et al, 2020.
April 9th,2021: Yuxin: High-Frequency Stimulation of
Ventral CA1 Neurons Reduces
Amygdala Activity and Inhibits Fear. Graham et al, 2021.
April 2nd, 2021: Marco: Hippocampal CA2 sharp-wave ripples reactivate and promote social memory. Oliva et al, 2020.
March 26th, 2021: Chris: Cerebellar degeneration averts blindness-induced despaired behavior duringspatial task in mice. Cendelin and Tichanek, 2020.
March 19th, 2021: Julia: Flexible use of allocentric
and egocentric spatial memories
activates differential neural
networks in mice. Rinaldi et al, 2020.
March 12th, 2021: Daniel: Spatial navigation signals in rodent visual cortex. Flossmann and Rochefort, 2021.
March 5th, 2021: Blake: Effects of exposure to enriched environment during adolescence on passive
avoidance memory, nociception, and prefrontal BDNF level in adult male
and female rats. Sadegzadeh et al, 2020.
Feb 26th, 2021: YuJung: Dopaminergic mechanism underlying reward encoding
of punishment omission during reversal
learning in Drosophila. McCurdy et al, 2021.
Feb 19th, 2021: Yuxin: Hippocampal place cells encode global location but not connectivity in a complex space. Duvelle et al, 2021.
Feb 12th, 2021: Marco: A neural basis for tonic suppression of
sodium appetite. Park et al, 2020.
Feb 5th, 2021: Chris: A novel rat robot controlled by electrical stimulation of the
nigrostriatal pathway. Koh et al, 2020.
Jan 29th, 2021: Daniel: Navigation in a Space With Moving
Objects: Rats Can Avoid Specific
Locations Defined With Respect to a
Moving Robot. Ahuja et al, 2020.
Jan 15th, 2021: Julia: Targeted Activation of Hippocampal Place Cells
Drives Memory-Guided Spatial Behavior. Robinson et al. 2020.
Jan 8th, 2021: Jean-Marc: Resilience after trauma:
The role of memory suppression. Mary et al, 2020.
Nov 20th, 2020: Sarah: Enabling Spike-Based
Backpropagation for Training Deep
Neural Network Architectures. Lee at al, 2020.
Oct 29th, 2020: Blake: Complementary contributions of non-REM and
REM sleep to visual learning. Tamaki et al, 2020.
Oct 22nd, 2020: Yuxin: Position–theta-phase model of hippocampal place cell
activity applied to quantification of running speed
modulation of firing rate. McClain et al, 2019.
Oct 9th, 2020: Marco: Estimation of Current and Future Physiological States in Insular Cortex. Livneh et al, 2020.
Oct 2nd, 2020: Siyu: Information about action outcomes differentially affects learning from self-determined versus imposed choices. Chambon et al, 2020.
Sept 25th, 2020: Chris: Risk-based decision making in rats: Modulation by sex and amphetamine. Islas-Preciado et al, 2020.
Sept 18th, 2020: Jesse: Hippocampus-specific Rictor knockdown inhibited 17β-estradiol induced
neuronal plasticity and spatial memory improvement in ovariectomized
mice. Sun et al, 2019.
Sept 11th, 2020: Julia: Navigating with grid and place cells in cluttered environments. Edvardsen et al, 2019.
Sept 4th, 2020: Sarah : Gan Dissection:Visualizing and Understanding Generative Adversarial Networks. Bau et al, 2019.
August 28th, 2020: Blake: Active avoidance requires inhibitory signaling in the rodent prelimbic prefrontal cortex. Diehl et al, 2018.
August 21st, 2020: Yuxin : Constant Sub-second Cycling between Representations of Possible Futures in the Hippocampus. Kay et al, 2020.
August 14th, 2020: Marco: Chronic trauma impairs the neural basis of empathy in mothers: Relations to parenting and children's empathic abilities. Levy et al, 2019.
July 31st, 2020: Siyu: Many Paths to the Same Goal: Balancing Exploration and Exploitation during Probabilistic Route Planning. Jackson et al, 2020.
July 24th, 2020: Chris: What makes a landmark effective in adolescent and adult rats? Sex
and age differences in a navigation task. Chamizo et al, 2019.
July 17th, 2020: Julia: Conformity-like behaviour in mice observing the freezing of other mice: a model of empathy. Ueno et al, 2020.
July 10th, 2020: Jean-Marc: The bystander effect in rats. Havlik et al, 2020.
June 26th, 2020: Sarah: Brain EEG Time-Series Clustering Using Maximum-Weight Clique. Dai et al, 2020.
June 19th, 2020: Blake: Post-learning Hippocampal Replay Selectively Reinforces Spatial Memory for Highly Rewarded Locations. Michon et al, 2019.
June 12th, 2020: Yuxin: Trajectory-modulated hippocampal neurons persist throughout memory-guided navigation. Kinsky et al, 2020.
June 5th, 2020: Siyu: Replay of Behavioral Sequences in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex during Rule Switching. Kaefer et al, 2020.
May 29th, 2020: Jean-Marc: Facial expressions of emotion states and their neuronal correlates in mice. Dolensk et al, 2020.
May 22nd, 2020: Sarah: Ventricular ectopic beat detection using a wavelet transform and a convolutional neural network. Li et al, 2019.
April 24th,2020: ZhuoCheng: Long-Term Consolidation of Ensemble Neural
Plasticity Patterns in Hippocampal Area CA1. Attardo et al, 2018.
April 17th,2020: Blake: A stable home-base promotes allocentric memory representations of episodic-like everyday spatial memory. Broadbent et al, 2019.
April 3rd, 2020: Yuxin: A passive, camera-based head-tracking system for real-time, three dimensional estimation of head position and orientation in rodents. Vanzella et al., 2019.
March 27th,2020: Jean-Marc: Replay of cortical spiking sequences during human memory retrieval. Vaz et al. 2020.
March 20th, 2020: Siyu: A distributional code for value in dopamine based reinforcement learning. Dabney et al, 2020.
March 6th, 2020: Sarah :SleepEEGNet: Automated sleep stage scoring
with sequence to sequence deep learning
approach. Mousavi et al, 2019.
February 28th, 2020: Zhuocheng: A Role for the Locus Coeruleus in Hippocampal CA1
Place Cell Reorganization during Spatial Reward
Learning. Kaufman et al, 2020.
February 21st, 2020: Blake: Power generation from ambient humidity using protein nanowires. Liu et al, 2020.
February 14th,2020: Maddie: The place-cell representation of volumetric space in rats. Grieves et al, 2020.
February 7th ,2020: Jean-Marc: Distinct effects of reward and navigation history on hippocampal forward and reverse replays. Bhattarai et al, 2020.
January 31st,2020: Yuxin: Hippocampal Reactivation of Random Trajectories Resembling Brownian Diffusion. Stella et al, 2019.
January 15th, 2020: Siyu: Sustained Dopaminergic Plateaus and noradrenergic depressions bias transitions into exploitative behavioral states. Koralek and Costa, 2019.
December 11, 2019: Maddie: Memory retrieval modulates spatial tuning of single neurons in the human entorhinal cortex. Qasim et al, 2019.
November 20+27, 2019: Zhuocheng: Dissecting the Synapse- and Frequency-Dependent
Network Mechanisms of In Vivo Hippocampal Sharp
Wave-Ripples. Ramirez-Villegas et al, 2018.
November 13, 2019: Yuxin: Insensitivity of Place Cells to the Value of Spatial Goals in a
Two-Choice Flexible Navigation Task. Duvelle et al, 2019.
November 6th, 2019: Jeremy: The potential of virtual reality for spatial navigation research across the adult lifespan. Diersch and Wolbers, 2019.
October 16th, 2019: Siyu: Dorsal hippocampus contributes to model-based
planning. Miller et al, 2017.
September 25th, 2019: Maddie: Egocentrically-stable discriminative
stimulus-based spatial navigation
in mice: implementation and
comparison with allocentric cues. Chun et al, 2019.
September 18th, 2019: Behavioral and neural correlates of hide-and-seek in rats. Reinhold et al, 2019.
August 21th, 2019: Recalibration of path integration in hippocampal
place cells. Jayakumar et al, 2019.
July 23rd, 2019: A cognitive map in a poison frog. Liu et al, 2019.
July 10th, 2019: Assembly Responses of Hippocampal CA1 Place
Cells Predict Learned Behavior in Goal-Directed
Spatial Tasks on the Radial Eight-Arm Maze. Xu et al, 2019.
July 1st, 2019: Siyu: Dopamine blockade impairs the exploration-exploitation trade-off
in rats. Cinotti et al, 2019.
June 26,2019: Prioritized memory access explains planning and
hippocampal replay. Mattar and Daw, 2018
June 5th, 2019: The Integration of Goal-Directed Signals onto Spatial
Maps of Hippocampal Place Cells. Aoki et al, 2019
April 1st, 2019: Maddie: Discussion on use of animals in biomedical experimentation. Kilkeny et al, 2009 and CaseStudy.
March 25th, 2019: Melina: Rats with ventral hippocampal damage are impaired at various forms of learning including conditioned inhibition, spatial navigation, and discriminative fear conditioning to similar contexts. McDonald et al, 2018.
March 18th, 2019: Blaine: Diversity often takes institutional form as damage limitation. Anonymous Blog Post, 2019.
March 11th, 2019: Kristine: Hippocampal Reactivation Extends for Several Hours Following Novel Experience. Giri et al, 2019.
Feb 25th, 2019: Allison: First Direct Evidence of Cue Integration in Reorientation: A New Paradigm. Twyman et al, 2018.
Feb 11th, 2019: Blaine: Activity of Prefrontal Neurons Predict Future Choices during Gambling. Passecker et al, 2019.
Nov 23rd,2018: Zhuocheng: A Dedicated Population for Reward Coding in the Hippocampus. Gauthier and Tank, 2018.
Nov 9th, 2018: Isaac: A Conserved Role for Serotonergic Neurotransmission in Mediating Social Behavior in Octopus. Edsinger and Dolen 2018.
Oct 26, Nov 2, 2018: SFN Poster Practice.
Oct 19th, 2018: Maddie: Event memory uniquely predicts memory for large-scale space. Sargent et al, 2018.
Oct 11th, 2018: Kristine: Sex differences in hippocampal cognition and neurogenesis. Yagi and Galea, 2018.
Sept 28th, 2018: Bruce: Lesions of the Head Direction Cell System Increase Hippocampal Place Field Repetition. Harland et al, 2017.
Sept 21st, 2018: Allison: Implantable Wireless Ultra-low Power Data Logger for Temperature Measurements in Animal Brains. Heller et al, 2017.
Sept 14th, 2018: Blaine: Disruption of dorsal hippocampal – prefrontal interactions using chemogenetic inactivation impairs spatial learning. Maharjan et al, 2018.
Aug 3rd, 2018: Blaine: What is a cognitive map? Organising knowledge for flexible behaviour. Behrens et al, 2018.
July 20th, 2018: Bruce: Multiple Scales of Representation along the
Hippocampal Anteroposterior Axis in Humans. Brunec et al, 2018.
July 13th, 2018: Maddie: Lateralized hippocampal oscillations underlie distinct aspects of human spatial memory and navigation. Miller et al, 2018.
July 6th, 2018: Calvin: Relocating cued goals induces population remapping in CA1 related to memory performance in a two-platform water task in rats. Lee et al, 2017.
June 29th, 2018: Blaine: Functional coupling networks inferred from prefrontal cortex activity show experience-related effective plasticity. Tavoni et al 2017.
June 15th, 2018: Isaac: Possible role of hippocampal GPR55 in spatial learning and memory in rats. Marichal-Cancino et al, 2018.
June 8th, 2018: Calvin: Hippocampal Global Remapping Can Occur without Input from the Medial Entorhinal Cortex. Schlesiger et al., 2018.
June 1st, 2018: Maddie: Place field assembly distribution encodes preferred locations. Mamad et al. 2017.
April 20th, 2018: Blaine: Manipulating Hippocampal Place Cell Activity by Single-Cell Stimulation in Freely Moving Mice. Diamantaki et al, 2018.
April 13th, 2018: Madeline: The honeycomb maze provides a novel test to study hippocampal-dependent spatial navigation. Wood et al. 2018.
April 6th, 2018: Nora. Low empathy-like behaviour in male mice
associates with impaired sociability,
emotional memory, physiological stress
reactivity and variations in neurobiological
regulations. Laviola et al., 2017.
March 30th, 2018: Raven: Sex differences in the effects of pre- and postnatal caffeine exposure on
behavior and synaptic proteins in pubescent rats. Sallaberry et al, 2018.
March 23rd, 2018: Erin: Memory Consolidation Is Linked to Spindle-Mediated Information Processing during Sleep. Cairney et al, 2018.
March 16th, 2018: Blaine: Responsible conduct of research. Perils and pitfalls of reporting sex differences, Maney 2016. AND A single night of sleep loss impairs objective but not subjective
working memory performance in a sex-dependent manner, Rangtell et al, 2017.
March 9th, 2018: Isaac: A Toolbox for Optophysiological
Experiments in Freely Moving Rats. Hardung et al, 2017.
Feb 26th,2018: Allison: Parasitic Robot System for Waypoint Navigation of Turtle. Kim et al, 2017.
Jan 26th, 2018: Madeline:Sex- and age-associated differences in episodic-like memory and transcriptional regulation of hippocampal steroidogenic enzymes in rats. Rossetti et al, 2017
Dec 15th, 2017: Isaac: Scalable, Lightweight, Integrated and Quick-to-Assemble (SLIQ) Hyperdrives for Functional Circuit Dissection. Liang et al, 2017
Nov 3rd, 2017: Allison: A novel neurophysiological based navigation system. Zeno et al, 2017
Oct 27th, 2017: Erin: Responses in Rat Core Auditory Cortex are Preserved during Sleep Spindle Oscillations. Sela et al, 2016
Oct 20th, 2017: Blaine: Parvalbumin-positive interneurons mediate neocortical-hippocampal interactions that are necessary for memory consolidation. Xia et al. 2017
Oct 13th, 2017: Raven: Passive exposure to speech sounds induces long-term memory representations in the auditory cortex of adult rats. Kurkela et al, 2016
Oct 6th,2017: Sahana: Megamap: flexible representation of a large space embedded with nonspatial information by a hippocampal attractor network. Hedrick and Zhang, 2016.
Sept 8th,2017: Marco: Retrosplenial Cortical Neurons Encode Navigational Cues, Trajectories and Reward Locations During Goal Directed Navigation. Vedder et al, 2017.
Sept 1st,2017: Emma: Energy drinks and their component modulate attention, memory, and antioxidant defences in rats. Valle et al, 2017.
August 11th,2017: Erin: Mapping of a non-spatial dimension by the hippocampal–entorhinal circuit. Aronov et al, 2017.
July 28th,2017: Blaine: Thalamic Spindles Promote Memory Formation during Sleep through Triple Phase-Locking of Cortical, Thalamic, and Hippocampal Rhythms. Latchoumane et al, 2017.
July 21st, 2017 : Melissa : MDMA decreases glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) 67-immunoreactive neurons in the hippocampus and increases seizure susceptibility: Role for glutamate. Huff et al. 2016
July 7th, 2017: Bruce: Vectorial representation of spatial goals in the hippocampus of bats. Sarel et al 2017.
June 30th, 2017: Mellissa: CaMKII mediates stimulus specificity in early odor preference learning in rats. Modarresi et al. 2016.
June 2nd, 2017: Blaine : Engrams and circuits crucial for systems consolidation of a memory. Kitamura et al. 2017.
May 26th, 2017: Emma : Exploring the potential effects of emoticons. Huang et al. 2008.
May 22nd, 2017: Stephanie : Dissociation between complete hippocampal context memory formation and context fear acquisition. Leake et al. 2017.
April 5th, 2017 : Bruce : Left–right functional asymmetry of ventral hippocampus depends on aversiveness of situations. Sagaguchi et al. 2017.
April 3rd, 2017 : Blaine : Generalizable knowledge outweighs incidental details in prefrontal ensemble code over time. Morrissey et al. 2017.
March 28th, 2017 : Alissa : Atypical Social Development in Vasopressin- Deficient Brattleboro Rats1,2,3. Paul et al. 2016.
March 20th, 2017 : Erin : A cortical–hippocampal–cortical loop of information processing during memory consolidation. Rothschild et al.2016.
February 28th, 2017 : Marco : Overlapping memory trace indispensable for linking, but not recalling, individual memories. Yokose et al. 2017.
February 20th, 2017 : Blaine : A Spiking Working Memory Model Based on Hebbian Short-Term Potentiation. Fiebig et al. 2017.
February 9th, 2017 : Stephanie : Asynchronous ripple oscillations between left and right hippocampi during slow-wave sleep. Villalobos et al. 2017.
February 4th, 2017 : Jennifer : Changes in acoustic startle reflex in rats induced by playback of 22-kHz calls. Inagaki et al. 2016.
February 1st, 2017 : Michael : Anti-correlations in the degree distribution increase stimulus detection performance in noisy spiking neural networks. Martens et al. 2017
January 24th, 2017 : Sam : Traveling Companions Add Complexity and Hinder Performance in the Spatial Behavior of Rats. Dorfman et al. 2016
October 19th, 2016 : Bruce : Diversity in neural firing dynamics supports both rigid and learned hippocampal sequences. Grosmark et al. 2016
October 7th, 2016 : Stephanie : Role of Hippocampal CA2 Region in Triggering Sharp-Wave Ripples. Oliva et al. 2016
September 23rd, 2016 : Jennifer : Cognitive bias in rats evoked by ultrasonic vocalizations suggestsemotional contagion. Saito et al. 2016
September 15th, 2016 : Erin : Phase of Spontaneous Slow Oscillations during Sleep Influences Memory-Related Processing of Auditory Cues. Batterink et al. 2016
August 27th, 2016 : Alissa : Age and sex differences in oxytocin and vasopressin V1a receptor binding densities in the rat brain: focus on the social decisionmaking network. Smith et al. 2016
August 18th, 2016 : Blaine : A Quantitative Analysis of Context-Dependent Remapping of Medial Frontal Cortex Neurons and Ensembles. Ma et al. 2016
August 18th, 2016 : Michael : The map equation. Rosval et al. 2009
July 7th, 2016 : Alissa : Oxytocin enables maternal behaviour by balancing cortical inhibition. Marlin et al. 2016
June 16th, 2016 : Sam : Social Interaction Test between a Rat and a Robot: A Pilot Study. Ortiz et al. 2016
June 16th, 2016 : Stephanie : Causal evidence for the role of REM sleep theta rhythm in contextual memory consolidation. Boyce et al. 2016
May 27th, 2016 : Alissa : Oxytocin-dependent consolation behavior in rodents. Burkett et al. 2016
April 13th, 2016 : Michael : Hebbian Plasticity Realigns Grid Cell Activity with External Sensory Cues in Continuous Attractor Models. Mulas et al. 2016
March 18th, 2016 : Lijuan : Connecting multiple spatial scales to decode the population activity of grid cells. Stemmler et al. 2015
March 18th, 2016 : Blaine : Evidence for spatially-responsive neurons in the rostral thalamus. Jankowski et al. 2015
March 18th, 2016 : Jennifer : Pro-social behavior in rats is modulated by social experience. Bartal et al. 2014
February 19, 2016 : Blaine : Midline Thalamic Reuniens Lesions Improve 3 Executive Behaviors. Prasad et al. 2016
January 26 th, 2016 : Sarah : Caffeine/sleep-deprivation interaction in mice produces complex memory effects. Onaolapo et al. 2014
December 18th, 2015 : Lijuan : Human-level concept learning through probabilistic program induction. Lake et al. 2015
December 1st, 2015 : Tatiana : Some factors affecting performance of rats in the traveling salesman problem. Bellizzi et al. 2015
November 13th, 2015 : Stephanie : State-Dependent Architecture of Thalamic Reticular Subnetworks. Halassa et al. 2014
September 20th, 2015 : Michael : Spatial computation with gamma oscillations. Engelhard et al. 2014
September 18th, 2015 : Sarah : Glucocorticoids boost stimulus-response memory formation in humans. Guenzel et al. 2014
August 24th, 2015 : Marco : A prefrontal–thalamo–hippocampal circuit for goal-directed spatialnavigation. Ito et al. 2015
August 8th, 2015 : Stephanie : Conjunctive input processing drives feature selectivity in hippocampal CA1 neurons. Bittner et al. 2015
July 26th, 2015 : Tatiana : Hippocampal sharp-wave ripples in waking and sleeping states. Roumis et al. 2015
July 21st, 2015 : Sam : Sound sensitivity of neurons in rat hippocampus during performance of a sound-guided task. Itskov et al. 2012
July 6th, 2015 : Karen : Oxytocin improves behavioural and neural deficits in inferring others' social emotions in autism. Aoki et al. 2014
July 3rd, 2015 : Marco : Explicit memory creation during sleep demonstrates a causal role of place cells in navigation. Lavilleon et al. 2015
June 29th, 2015 : Michael : The activity requirements for spike timing-dependent plasticity in the hippocampus. Buchanan et al. 2010
June 19th, 2015 : Stephanie : Hippocampal Replay Captures the Unique Topological Structure of a Novel Environment. Wu et al. 2014
June 8th, 2015 : Lindsey : Comparison of Sleep Spindles and Theta Oscillations in the Hippocampus. Sullivan et al. 2014
April 24th, 2015 : Karen : Exogenous and evoked oxytocin restores social behavior in the Cntnap2 mouse model of autism. Penagarikano et al. 2015
April 10th, 2015 : Swetha : Enhancing Depression Mechanisms in Midbrain Dopamine Neurons Achieves Homeostatic Resilience. Friedman et al. 2014
March 12th, 2015 : Lindsey : Behavioral and neurophysiological correlates of regret in rat decision-making on a neuroeconomic task. Steiner et al. 2014
February 27th, 2015 : Mariana : Thehypocretin/orexinantagonistalmorexantpromotessleepwithoutimpairmentofperformanceinrats. Morairty et al. 2014
February 3rd, 2015 : Stephanie : Hypocretin/orexin antagonism enhances sleep-related adenosine and GABA neurotransmission in rat basal forebrain. Vazquez- DeRose et al. 2014
October 31st, 2014 : Samer : Cortical Representations Are Reinstated by the Hippocampus during Memory Retrieval. Tanaka et al. 2014
October 1st, 2014 : Lindsey : Behavioral Variability through Stochastic Choice and Its Gating by Anterior Cingulate Cortex. Tervo et al. 2014
September 25th, 2014 : Marco : The hippocampal CA2 region is essential for social memory. Hitti et al. 2014
August 2nd, 2014 : Zach : New and Distinct Hippocampal Place Codes Are Generated in a New Environment during Septal Inactivation. Brandon et al. 2014
July 18th, 2014 : Marco : Differential Role of the Dorsal Hippocampus, Ventro-intermediate Hippocampus, and Medial Prefrontal Cortex in updating the Value of a Spatial Goal. Blanquat et al. 2013
July 7th, 2014 : Stephanie : Oxytocin Reverses Amphetamine-Induced Deficits in Social Bonding: Evidence for an Interaction with Nucleus Accumbens Dopamine. Young et al. 2013
June 23rd, 2014 : JM : Sleep promotes branch-specific formation of dendritic spines after learning. Yang et al. 2014
May 26th, 2014 : Rianne : Negative affect impairs associative memory but not item memory. Bisby et al. 2014
May 26th, 2014 : Kael : Amnesia for Early Life Stress Does Not Preclude the Adult Development of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms in Rats. Poulos et al. 2013
May 26th, 2014 : Cesar : Chronic enhancement of brain oxytocin levels causes enduring anti-aggressive and pro-social explorative behavioral effects in male rats. Calcagnoli et al. 2014
March 28th, 2014 : Eric : Effects of Systemic Administration of Oxytocin on Contextual Fear Extinction in a Rat Model of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Eskandarian et al. 2013
March 28th, 2014 : Justin : Sleep-dependent synaptic down-selection (I): modeling the benefits of sleep on memory consolidation and integration. Nere et al. 2013
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