SFN Chapter Contacts

We are the Local Tucson Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience. We are not-for profit. Our goal is to educate and inform the public (from children to adults) about the brain and brain research. We are currently based at the University of Arizona and hosted by the Bio5 Institute.

Local chapter representative and president:
Ulises Ricoy, PhD
email: SfnTucson at gmail.com

Executive committee:
Teodora Stoica, PhD (Vice president)
Stephen Cowen, PhD (Secretary)

Brain Awareness Week coordinator: <looking for a volunteer!>

Previous chapter representatives:

Leslie Tolbert (1995-1996, created the chapter)
Paul St John (1996-1998)
Lynne Oland (1998-2000)
Nate McMullen (2000-2008)
Jean-Marc Fellous (2008-2024)
Wulfila Gronenberg (acting, 2012)

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