Theoretical Neuroscience Journal Club 
Spring 2011 - APPL 595B
Organizers: Adam Lester, Jean-Marc Fellous, Kevin Lin
Theme: Computational Models of the Hippocampus
Note: You will find here the PDF of the current journal club
paper(s) only. The papers from the previous journal clubs can be
accessed through the PubMed links.
Meetings are in Math East 141.
- Wed Jan 19th, 5pm: Math102: Organizational meeting
- Wed
Jan 26th, 5pm, room MathEast 241: Adam Lester. Paper: Understanding
spike-time-dependent plasticity: A biologically motivated computational
model. Hartley et. al. 2006. <Link>.
- Wed Feb 2nd, 5pm, Math East 241: Adam Lester, Part 2. We will continue the discussion from last week. please READ THE PAPER!
- Wed
Feb 9th Math Esat 141 (Note: ROOM CHANGE!): Ryan Smith: A computational
theory of episodic memory formation in the hippocampus. Edmund Rolls
<PDF File>.
- Wed Feb 16th: NO Meeting... We will meet next week.
- Wed
Feb 23rd, 5pm, Math East 141: Laurel Watkins. Reversed and forward
buffering of behavioral spike sequences enables retrospective and
prospective retrieval in hippocampal regions CA3 and CA1. Randal A.
Koene, Michael E. Hasselmo <PDF File>.
- Wed
March 2nd, 5pm, Math East 141: Laurel Watkins. Same paper as last week.
Also see Hippocampal replay in the awake state: a potential substrate
for memory consolidation and retrieval, Carr et all 2011 for a review
<PDF File>.
- Wed March 23rd, 5pm, Math East 141: Brian Roller (introduction to Emergent)
- April 6th, 5pm, Math East 141: R'nld Wheeler: A Computational Principle for Hippocampal Learning
and Neurogenesis, Suzanna Becker, Hippocampus, 2005. < PDF File>.
- April 20th, 5pm, Math east 141: Elliot Imler, David Lyttle.
- Path
integration and the neural basis of the ‘cognitive map’. Bruce L.
McNaughton, Francesco P. Battaglia, Ole Jensen, Edvard I. Moserand May-Britt Moser. 2006. < PDF File>.
- (Probably next week) An oscillatory interference model of grid cell firing. Burgess N, Barry C, O'Keefe J. Hippocampus, 2007. <PDF File>
- Accurate Path Integration in Continuous Attractor Network Models of Grid Cells. Burak Fiete. Plos, 2009. <PDF File>
- Also,
for your information: Place Cells, Grid Cells, and the Brain's Spatial
Representation System Annual Review of Neuroscience, Moser, Kopf, Moser
Vol. 31: 69-89, 2008 <PDF File>
Of general interest:
- Theoretical Neuroscience: Computational and Mathematical modeling of neural systems. Dayan P. and Abbott L.F. MIT Press, 2001.
- Hippocampal Microcircuits: A computational Modeler's resource book.
Cutsuridis V, Graham B., Cobb S. and Vida I (Eds). Springer, 2010 .
Useful links
- A very quick tour of some of the main facts of the brain. a 'primer on the brain and nervous system', put out by the Society for Neuroscience.
- Very simple (yet mostly correct!) presentation of the major facts about the brain. Yes, it is for kids, but don't be ashamed... it's really useful!
Previous Journal Club Pages can be found here