Theoretical Neuroscience Journal Club
Spring 2017 - APPL 595B Organizers: Jean-Marc Fellous and Kevin Lin
Meetings are in Math 514, Mondays 12:00pm-12:50pm.
Jan 30th, 2017: Jean-Marc
Introduction to Computational Neuroscience
Feb 6th: Yaohui Paper:
McNaughton, Battaglia, Jensen, EI Moser and M-B Moser. Path integration and the neural basis of the ‘cognitive map’. Nature Neuroscience, 2006. <PUBMED><PDF>.
see also:
Howard et al. 2014. The Hippocampus and Entorhinal Cortex Encode the Path and Euclidean Distances to Goals during Navigation. <PDF>.
see also: Shrager et al, 2008.
Neural basis of the cognitive map: Path integration does not require hippocampus or entorhinal cortex. <PDF>.
see also: Mittelstaedt and
Mittelstaedt 1980. Homing by path integration in a mammal. <PDF>.
Feb 13th: David Paper:
Chalmers, Luczakand and Gruber. Computational Properties of the Hippocampus Increase the Efficiency of Goal-Directed Foraging through Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning, 2016. <PUBMED><PDF>
Feb 20th: Aaron Paper:
Erdem and Hasselmo. A biologically inspired hierarchical goal directed navigation model, 2014. <PUBMED><PDF>.
Feb 27th: Michael Paper:
Navratilova, Godfrey, and McNaughton. Grids from bands, or bands from grids? An examination of the effects of single unit contamination on grid cell firing fields, 2016. <PUBMED><PDF>.
March 6th: Brian Paper:
Knierim and Neunuebel. Tracking the flow of hippocampal computation: Pattern separation, pattern completion, and attractor dynamics, 2016. <PUBMED><PDF>.
March 20th: David
Keinath. The Preferred Directions of Conjunctive Grid X Head Direction Cells in the Medial Entorhinal Cortex Are Periodically Organized, 2016.<PUBMED><PDF>.
March 27th: Zhuocheng Paper:
Bonnevie, Dunn, Fyhn, Hafting, Derdikman, Kubie, Roudi, Moser, and Moser. Grid cells require excitatory drive from the hippocampus, 2013. <PUBMED><PDF>
see also:
Roudi and Moser. Grid cells in an inhibitory network, 2014. <PUBMED><PDF>.
see also:
Buetfering, Allen, and Monyer. Parvalbumin interneurons provide grid cell–driven recurrent inhibition in the medial entorhinal cortex, 2014. <PUBMED><PDF>.
April 10th: Yaohui Paper: Curto. What can topology tell us about the neural code?, 2017. <PDF>.
April 17th: Aaron Paper:
Si, Romani, and Tsodyks. Continuous Attractor Network Model for Conjunctive Position-by-Velocity Tuning of Grid Cells. 2014. <PUBMED><PDF>.
May 1st: Zhoucheng and Brian Paper: Hok, Poucet, Duvelle, Save, and Sargolini. Spatial cognition in mice and rats: similarities and differences in brain and behavior, 2016 <PUBMED><PDF>. Paper:
Krupic, Bauza, Burton, and O’Keefe. Framing the grid: effect of boundaries on grid cells and navigation ,2016 <PUBMED><PDF>.