Theoretical Neuroscience Journal Club 
Spring 2018 - APPL 595B
Organizers: Jean-Marc Fellous, Calvin Zhang and Kevin Lin
Meetings are in MTL 124, Mondays 12:00pm-12:50pm.
- April 30th: Rohin
From Understanding Computation to Understanding Neural Circuitry. Marr and Poggio, 1976. <PDF>
- April 23rd: Allison
Neural Syntax: Cell Assemblies, Synapsembles, and Readers. Buzsaki, 2010. <LINK> <PDF>
- April 16th: Kyli
Paper: Mechanistic Mathematical Modeling Tests Hypotheses of the Neurovascular Coupling in fMRIs. Lundengrad et al, 2016. <LINK> <PDF>
- April 9th: Michael
Dynamic Stochastic Synapses as computational units. Maass and Zador, 1999. <PUBMED> <PDF>
- April 2nd: Lola
Synaptic depression: a dynamic regulator of synaptic communication with varied functional roles. O'Donovan and Rinzel, 1997. <PUBMED> <PDF>
- March 26th: David
The hippocampus as a stable memory allocator for cortex, L. Vaillant, Neural Computation 24 (2012). <PUBMED> <PDF>
- March 19th: Kyli
Computational principles of memory. Rishidev Chaudhuri and Ila Fiete. Nature Neuroscience 19 pp. 394--403 (2016). <LINK> <PDF>.
What must a global theory of cortex explain?. Leslie G Valiant, Current Opinion in Neurobiology 25 pp. 15--19 (2014). <LINK> <PDF>.
- March 12th: Canceled
- Feb 26th: Allison
Maintaining a Cognitive Map in Darkness: The Need to Fuse Boundary Knowledge with Path Integration. Cheung et al. 2012. <PUBMED> <PDF>. Supporting Information.
- Feb 19th: Rohin
Cognitive memory and mapping in a brain-like system for robotic navigation. Tang et al, 2017. <PUBMED> <PDF>
Other: Learning in and from brain-based devices. Edelman, 2007. <PUBMED> <PDF>.
Clever Machines Learn How to Be Curious
- Feb 12th: Lola
From grid cells and visual place cells to multimodal place cell: a new robotic architecture. Jauffret et al, 2015. <PUBMED> <PDF>
Neurobiologically inspired mobile robot navigation and planning. Cuperlier et al, 2007 <PUBMED> <PDF>
- Feb 5th: Michael-V
Automatic Training of Rat Cyborgs for Navigation. Yu et al, 2016. <PUBMED> <PDF>
Other: Enrichment of Human-Computer Interaction in Brain-Computer Interfaces via Virtual Environments. Luz et. al, 2017. <PUBMED> <PDF>
The promise of cyborg intelligence. Brown and Brown. 2017 <PUBMED> <PDF>
- Jan 29th, 2018: Jean-Marc
Introduction to Computational Neuroscience
Useful links and where to find additional information
Previous Journal Club Pages can be found here