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    • Long-Term Reactivation of Multiple Sub-Assemblies in the Hippocampus and Prefrontal Cortex. Tatsuno M and Fellous JM. bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.12.25.630328, 2024. Preprint PDF.
    • The Effects of Time Horizon and Guided Choices on Explore-Exploit Decisions in Rodents. Wang S., Gerken B., Wieland J., Wilson RC. and Fellous JM. Behavioral Neuroscience. Apr;137(2):127-142. doi: 10.1037/bne0000549, 2023. Reprint PDF File.
    • Adapting hippocampus multi-scale place field distributions in cluttered environments optimizes spatial navigation and learning. Scleidorovich P., Fellous JM. and Weitzenfeld A. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. Vol 16:1039822. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2022.1039822, 2022. Reprint PDF File.
    • Integration of Velocity-dependent Spatio-temporal Structure of Place Cell Activation during Navigation in a Reservoir model of Pre-Frontal Cortex. Scleidorovich P., Weitzenfeld A., Fellous JM. and DomineyPF. Biological Cybernetics, doi: 10.1007/s00422-022-00945-6, 2022. <Full Text>.
    • Dorsal CA1 Hippocampal Place Cells Form a Multi-Scale Representation of Megaspace. Harland B., Contreras M., Souder M. and Fellous JM. Current Biology 31:1–13, 2021. See data and demo page (in progress). Movie. Reprint PDF File.
    • Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Reveals Diminished Homeostatic Metaplasticity in Cognitively Impaired Adults. Sundman M., Lim K., That VT., Mizell JM., Ugonna C., Rodriguez R., Chen Nk, Fuglevand AJ., Liu Y., Wilson RC., Fellous JM., Rapsack S. and Chou YH. Brain Communications. Nov 27;2(2). doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcaa203, 2020.
    • Conjunctive Reward-Place Coding Properties of Dorsal Distal CA1 Hippocampus Cells. Xiao Z, Lin K, Fellous JM, Biological Cybernetics, 114(2), 285-301. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00422-020-00830-0, 2020.Reprint PDF File.
    • A Computational Model for Spatial Cognition Combining Dorsal and Ventral Hippocampal Place Field Maps: Multi-scale Navigation. Scleidorovich P, Llofriu MA, Fellous, JM, Weitzenfeld, A. Biological Cybernetics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00422-019-00812-x, 2020. Reprint PDF File.
    • Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Neuroscience: Behavioral Neurostimulation. Fellous JM, Sapiro G, Andrew Rossi A, Mayberg H, Ferrante M. Dec 13;13:1346. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.01346. eCollection 2019. PMID:31920509. Frontiers Neurosciences. 2019. Reprint PDF File.
    • Reservoir computing model of prefrontal cortex creates novel combinations of previous navigation sequences from hippocampal place-cell replay with spatial reward propagation. Cazin N, Llofriu MA, Scleidorovich PC, Pelc T, Harland B, Weitzenfeld A, Fellous JM, Dominey PF. PLOS Computational Biology, 15(7): e1006624. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006624, 2019. Reprint PDF File.
    • A Computational Model for a Multi-Goal Spatial Navigation Task inspired by Rodent Studies. Llofriu M, Scleidorovicj P, Tejera G, Contreras M, Pelc T, Fellous JM, Weitzenfeld A. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (peer reviewed), Budapest, Hungary, D3_S15#19917, 2019. Reprint PDF File.
    • Ground Truth Construction and Parameter Tuning for the Detection of Sleep Spindle Timing in Rodents. Harper B and Fellous JM. J. Neuroscience Methods, Feb 1;313:13-23. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2018.11.023, 2019. Reprint PDF File. See also Data-Demo Page.
    • The Ventral Hippocampus is Involved in Multi-Goal Obstacle-Rich Spatial Navigation. Contreras M, Pelc T, Llofriu M, Weitzenfeld A and Fellous JM. Hippocampus, 1-14, DOI: 10.1002/hipo.22993, 2018. Reprint PDF File.
    • A New Rat-Compatible Robotic Framework for Spatial Navigation Behavioral Experiments. Gianelli S, Harland B and Fellous JM, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 294:40-50, 2018. Reprint PDF File. (see also Data-Demo page)
    • Dorso-Ventral and Proximo-Distal Hippocampal Processing Account for the Influences of Sleep and Context on Memory (Re)consolidation: A Connectionist Model. Lines J, Nation K, and Fellous JM. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, doi: 10.1155/2017/8091780, 2017. Reprintf PDF File. (see also Data-Demo page)
    • Beneficial Effects of Chronic Oxytocin Administration and Social Co-Housing in a Rodent Model of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Janezic EM, Uppalapati S, Nagl S, Contreras M, French ED, Fellous JM. Behavioral Pharmacology, 27(8):704-717, 2016. Reprint PDF File.
    • Behavioral and Self-Reported Sensitivity to Reward are Linked to Stress-Related Differences in Positive Affect. Corral-Frías NS, Nadel L, Fellous JM and Jacobs JW. PsychoNeuroEndocrinology. ;66:205-13, 2016. Reprint PDF File.
    • Hippocampal CA1 Ripples as Inhibitory Transients. Malerba P., Krishnan G.P., Fellous JM and Bazhenov M. Plos Computational Biology, 2016. Reprint PDF File.
    • Goal-Oriented Robot Navigation Learning using a Multi-Scale Space Representation. Llofriu M, Tejera G, Contreras M, Pelc T, Fellous JM and Weitzenfeld A. Neural Networks. 72:62-74 2015. Reprint PDF File
    • Off-Line Reactivation of Experience-Dependent Neuronal Firing Patterns in Rat Ventral Tegmental Area. Valdes JV, McNaughton BL, Fellous JM. The Journal of Neurophysiology. 114:1183-1195, 2015. Reprint PDF File (Full). Supplemental information only.
    • Contextual Reminders Fail to Trigger Memory Reconsolidation in Aged Rats and Aged Humans. Jones BJ, Pest SM, Vargas IM, Glisky EL and Fellous JM. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 120:7-15, 2015. Reprint PDF File.
    • Reliability and Precision are Optimal for Non-uniform Distributions of Presynaptic Release Probability. Fellous JM and Corral-Frias NS. Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering.8(3):170-183, 2015. Reprint PDF File (Full). Supplemental information only.
    • Influence of External Inputs and Asymmetry of Connections on Information-Geometric Measures Involving up to Ten Neuronal Interactions.Nie Y, Fellous JM, Tatsuno M. Neural Computation,26:2247-2293, 2014. Reprint PDF File.
    • Value Learning and Arousal in the Extinction of Probabilistic Rewards: the Role of Dopamine in a Modified Temporal Difference Model. Song M and Fellous JM . PLOS biology 9(2): e89494. doi:10.1371, 2014. Reprint PDF File.
    • Information-geometric Estimation of Neural interactions during Oscillatory Brain States. Nie Y, Fellous JM and Tatsuno M . Frontiers in Neural Circuits 8(11), doi: 10.3389, 2014. Reprint PDF File.
    • Amygdala Deep Brain Stimulation is Superior to Paroxetine Treatment in a Rat Model of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Stidd D, Vogelsang K, Krahl S, Langevin JP and Fellous JM. Brain Stimulation, 6(6):837-44, 2013. Reprint PDF File.
    • Hippocampal Anatomy Supports the Use of Context in Object Recognition: a Computational Model.Greene P, Howard M, Bhattacharyya R and Fellous JM. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience. 2013: ID 294878, 2013. Reprint PDF File.
    • Spatial Scale and Place Field Stability in a Modular Grid-to-place cell Model of the Dorsoventral Axis of the Hippocampus. Lyttle D, Gereke B, Lin KL and Fellous JM. Hippocampus. 23:729–744, 2013. Reprint PDF File.
    • Human Ability and Cultural Variation in Sex-Differentiating Macaque Faces. Franklin, R. G. Jr., Zebrowitz, L. A., Fellous, JM, & Lee, A.. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49(3) 344-348, 2013. Reprint PDF File.
    • Involvement of the Ventral Tegmental Area in a Rodent Model of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Corral-Frias NS, LaHood R, Vogelsang K, French ED, Fellous JM. NeuroPsychoPharmacology 38(2): 350-63, 2013. Reprint PDF File.
    • Multiple Spike Time Patterns Occur at Bifurcation Points of Membrane Potential Dynamics. Toups JV, Fellous JM, Thomas, PJ, Sejnowski TJ and Tiesinga PH. PLoS Computational Biology. PLOS Computational Biology 8(10): e1002615, 2012.Reprint PDF File.
    • Phase Precession and Variable Spatial Scaling in a Periodic Attractor Map Model of Medial Entorhinal Grid Cells with Realistic After-Spike Dynamics. Navratilova Z, Giocomo LM, Fellous JM, Hasselmo ME, and McNaughton BL. Hippocampus. 22:772-789, 2012. Reprint PDF File.
    • Re-making memories: Reconsolidation updates positively-motivated spatial memory in rats. B. Jones, E. Bukoski, L. Nadel and JM Fellous. Learning & Memory. 19(3):91-8, 2012. Reprint PDF File.
    • The Traveling Salesrat: Insights into the Dynamics of Efficient Spatial Navigation in the Rodent. Watkins L., Gereke B. G. M. Martin, JM Fellous . J Neural Engineering, 8(6), 2011. Reprint PDF File.
    • A New Similarity Measure for Spike Trains: Sensitivity to Bursts and Periods of Inhibition. Lyttle D.and Fellous JM. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 99(2):296-309, 2011. Reprint PDF File, (see also Data-Demo page)
    • Finding the event structure of neuronal spike trains. Toups JV, Fellous JM, Thomas PJ, Sejnowski TJ, Tiesinga PH. Neural computation. 23(9):2169-208, 2011. Reprint PDF File.
    • Synchrony of Thalamocortical Inputs Maximizes Cortical Reliability. Wang HS, Spencer D, Fellous JM, Sejnowski TJ. Science 328:106- 109, 2010. Reprint PDF File.
    • Computational models of reinforcement learning: the role of dopamine as a reward signal. Samson RD, Frank MJ, Fellous JM. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 4:91-105, 2010. Reprint PDF File.
    • Facial Resemblance to Emotions: Group Differences, Impression Effects, and Race Stereotypes. Zebrowitz LA, Kikuchi M and Fellous JM. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98(2):175-89, 2010. Reprint PDF File.
    • Intrinsic Sub-threshold Oscillations Extend the Influence of Inhibitory Synaptic Inputs on Cortical Pyramidal Neurons. Stiefel K, Thomas PJ , Fellous JM and Sejnowski TJ. The European journal of Neuroscience, 31:1019-1026, 2010. Reprint PDF File.
    • Visual processing in the central bee brain. Paulk AC, Dacks AM, Phillips-Portillo J, Fellous JM and Gronenberg W. J. Neuroscience, 29(32):9987-9999, 2009. Reprint PDF File.
    • Information geometric measures as robust estimators of connection strengths and external inputs. M. Tatsuno, JM Fellous and S. Amari. Neural Computation, 21(8):2309-2335, 2009. Reprint PDF File.
    • The Processing of Color, Motion, and Stimulus Timing Are Anatomically Segregated in the Bumblebee Brain. A.C. Paulk, J. Phillips-Portillo, A.M. Dacks, JM Fellous and W. Gronenberg. The Journal of Neuroscience, 28(25)6319-6332, 2008. Reprint PDF File.
    • Regulation of spike timing in visual cortical circuits. Tiesinga PHE, Fellous JM, Sejnowski TJ. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 9:97-109, 2008. Reprint PDF File.
    • Are effects of emotion expression on trait impression mediated by babyfaceness? Evidence from connectionist modeling. L.A. Zebrowitz, M. Kikuchi and JM Fellous.Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33:648-662, 2007. Reprint PDF File.
    • A Mechanistic View of the Expression and Experience of Emotion in the Arts. Fellous JM. American Journal of Psychology. 119(4): 668-674, 2006. Reprint: PDF File.
    • Selective Attention through Phase Relationship of Excitatory and Inhibitory Input Synchrony in a Model Cortical Neuron. Jyoti Mishra, Jean-Marc Fellous, Terrence J. Sejnowski. Neural Network, 19:1329-1346, 2006. Reprint PDF File.
    • In vitro model of glial scarring around neuroelectrodes chronically implanted in the CNS. Vadim S. Polikov, Michelle L. Block, Jean-Marc Fellous, Jau-Shyong Hong, W. Monty Reichert. Biomaterials 27:5368–5376, 2006. Reprint PDF File.
    • Role of network dynamics in shaping timing reliability. Bazhenov M, Rulkov NF, Fellous JM, Timofeev I. Physical Review E.72,041903, 2005. Reprint:PDF File.
    • Inhibitory Synchrony as a mechanism for attentional gain modulation. Tiesinga PHE, Fellous JM, Salinas E, Jose JV and Sejnowski TJ. The Journal of Physiology (Paris),98:296-314, 2004. Reprint: PDF File.
    • Emotions: From Brain to Robot. Arbib MA and Fellous JM. Trends in Cognitive Science, 8(12):554-561, 2004. Reprint PDF File.
    • Discovering Spike Patterns in Neuronal Responses. Fellous JM, Tiesinga PHE, Thomas PJ and Sejnowski TJ. J of Neuroscience, 24(12):2989-3001, 2004. Reprint: PDF File. (see also data-demo page).
    • Influence of ionic conductances on spike timing reliability of cortical neurons for supratheshold rhythmic inputs. Schreiber S, Fellous JM, Tiesinga PHE and Sejnowski TJ. J Neurophysiology, 91:194-205, 2004. Reprint: PDF File
    • From Human Emotions to Robot Emotions. Fellous JM. American Association for Artificial Intelligence – Spring Symposium 3/2004, Stanford University – Keynote Lecture. Reprint: PDF File.
    • Variance detection and gain modulation in an in vitro model of in vivo activity. Fellous JM, Rudolph M, Destexhe A and Sejnowski TJ. Neuroscience, 122:811-829, 2003. Reprint: PDF File
    • Regulation of persistent activity by background inhibition in an in vitro model of a cortical microcircuit. Fellous JM and Sejnowski TJ. Cerebral Cortex, 13:1232-1241, 2003. Reprint: PDF File
    • Trait Impressions as Overgeneralized Responses to Adaptively Significant Facial Qualities: Evidence from Connectionist Modeling. Zebrowitz LA,Fellous JM, Mignault A and Andreoletti C. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 7(3):194-215, 2003 Reprint: PDF File
    • Reliability and Bifurcation in Neurons Driven by Multiple Sinusoids. Thomas PJ, Tiesinga PHE, Fellous JM, Sejnowski TJ. Neurocomputing, 52-54:955-961, 2003.Reprint: PDF File
    • A new correlation-based measure of spike timing reliability. Schreiber S, Whitmer D, Fellous JM, Tiesinga PHE, Sejnowski TJ. Neurocomputing, 52-54:925-931, 2003.Reprint: PDF File
    • Spike-time reliability of periodically driven integrate and fire neurons. Tiesinga PHE, Fellous JM, Sejnowski TJ. Neurocomputing, 44-46: 195-200, 2002.Reprint: PDF File
    • Attractor reliability reveals deterministic structure in neuronal spike trains. Tiesinga PHE, Fellous JM and Sejnowski TJ. Neural Computation, 14:1629-1650, 2002.Reprint: PDF File
    • Information transfer in entrained cortical neurons. Tiesinga PHE, Fellous JM, Jose JV and Sejnowski TJ. Network: Computation in Neural System, 13:41-66, 2002.Reprint: PDF File
    • Fluctuating synaptic conductances recreate in-vivo-like activity in neocortical neurons. Destexhe A, Rudolph M, Fellous JM and Sejnowski TJ. Neuroscience, 107:13-24 2001.Reprint: PDF File
    • The frequency dependence of spike timing reliability in cortical pyramidal cells and interneurons. Fellous JM, Houweling AR, Modi RH, Rao RPN, Tiesinga PHE and Sejnowski TJ. J Neurophysiology, 85:1782-1787, 2001. Reprint: PDF File
    • Computational model of carbachol-induced delta, theta and gamma oscillations in the hippocampus. Tiesinga PHE, Fellous JM, Jose JV and Sejnowski TJ. Hippocampus 11: 251-274, 2001.Reprint: PDF File
    • Optimal information transfer in synchronized neocortical neurons. Tiesinga PHE, Fellous JM, Jose JV and Sejnowski TJ. Neurocomputing, Vol 38-40, pp 397-402, 2001.Reprint: PDF File
    • Dopamine modulation of prefrontal delay activity- Reverberatory activity and sharpness of tuning curves. Scheler G and Fellous JM. Neurocomputing, Vol 38-40, pp 1549-1556, 2001.Reprint: PDF File
    • Cholinergic induction of oscillations in the hippocampal slice in the slow (0.5-2 Hz), theta (5-12 Hz) and gamma (35-70 Hz) bands. - JM. Fellous and Terry J. Sejnowski - Hippocampus 10:187-197, 2000. Reprint: PDF File
    • The Neuromodulatory Basis of Emotion - JM Fellous, The Neuroscientist 5(5):283-294,1999.Reprint PDF File
    • A role for NMDA-receptor channels in working memory - J.E. Lisman, JM. Fellous and X.J. Wang - Nature Neuroscience, 1(4):273-275, 1998.Reprint: PDF File
    • Computational Models of Neuromodulation - JM. Fellous, C. Linster - Neural Computation, 10(4):771-805, 1998.Reprint: PDF File
    • Gender Discrimination and Prediction on the Basis of Facial Metric Information - JM. Fellous - Vision Research, 37(14):1961-1973,1997.Reprint: PDF File
    • Face Recognition by Elastic Bunch Graph Matching - L. Wiskott, JM. Fellous, N. Kruger, C. von der Malsburg - IEEE spectrum, 19(7):775-779, 1997.Reprint: PDF File.
  • Books
    • Who Needs Emotions? The brain meets the Robot. Fellous JM and Arbib MA (Editors). Oxford University Press, 2005. T.O.C.
  • Book Chapters and Editorials
  • Editorial: Beyond the Nobel prizes: towards new synergies between Computational Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence. Fellous JM, Thomas PJ, Tiesinga P and Lindner B. Biological Cybernetics 119:1, 2025. Reprint PDF.
  • Stochastic Oscillators in Biology: Introduction to the Special Issue. MacLaurin, J, Fellous JM, Thomas, PJ, Lindner B. Biological Cybernetics, Apr;116(2):119-120, 2022.
  • Editorial: Biological cybernetics: 60 years and more to come. Benjamin Lindner, Peter Thomas, Jean-Marc Fellous, Paul Tiesinga. Biological Cybernetics, in press 2021.
  • Editorial: Complex spatial navigation in animals, computational models and neuro-inspired robots. Jean-Marc Fellous, Peter F. Dominey and Alfredo Weitzenfeld. Biological Cybernetics, 114(2), 137-138, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00422-020-00832-y, 2020. <Reprint PDF>
  • A Role for the Longitudinal Axis of the Hippocampus in Multiscale Representations of Large and Complex Spatial Environments and Mnemonic Hierarchies. Harland B, Contreras M and Fellous JM. In 'Hippocampus: Plasticity and Functions', Ales Stuchlik (editor), ISBN: 978-1-78923-357-5, 2018. <Reprint PDF File, including corrections to some references>.
  • Neuromodulation: Increasing Computational Power. Fellous JM, Canavier C and Hasselmo M . In ‘From Neuron to Cognition via Computational Neuroscience’. M.A. Arbib (editor), MIT Press, 2016.
  • Emotion: Computational Modeling. Fellous JM. In the Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. L.R. Squire (editor) Oxford Academic Press, Vol 3, p909-913, 2009.
  • Intrinsic and Network Contributions to Reverberatory activity: Reactive Clamp and Modeling Studies. JM Fellous, TJ Sejnowski, Z Navratilova. In The Dynamic-clamp: from principles to applications. Destexhe A. and Bal T (eds), Springer, p237-260, 2009.<PDF>
  • Emotion: Computational Modeling. JM Fellous. in The Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. LR Squire (Ed), 3:909-913, 2009. Reprint PDF File.
  • A Biophysical model of cortical up and down states: excitatory-inhibitory balance and H-current. Z. Navratilova and JM Fellous. In Dynamic Brain, M. Marinaro, S. Scarpetta and Y. Yamaguchi (editors), LNCS5286, pp61-66, Springer, 2008. Reprintf PDF.
  • Models of emotion. JM Fellous. Scholarpedia, p25041, 2007.<Link to article>.
  • A method for discovering spatio-temporal spikepatterns in multi-unit recordings. Gunay C, Smolinski TG, Lytton WW, Morse TM, Gleeson P, Crook S, Steuber V, Silver A, Voicu H, Andrews P, Bokil H, Maniar H, Loader C, Mehta S, Kleinfeld D, Thomson D, Mitra PP, Aaron G, Fellous J-M. Computational Intelligence in Electrophysiology: Trends and Open Problems. In: Smolinski TG, Milanova MG, Hassanien A-E (eds), Applications of Computational Intelligence in Biology: Current Trends and Open Problems, Chapter XIV, Springer, pp. 325-359, 2008. Reprint PDF File.
  • Computational Neural Models of Emotions. JM Fellous. In New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. G. Edelman and B. Smith (Eds). In Press 2006.
  • The Roles of Dopamine. Fellous JM, and Suri R. In: The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, second edition, edited by Arbib MA: M.I.T. Press, 2003.Reprint PDF File
  • Emotion and Computational Neuroscience. Fellous JM, Armony J and LeDoux JE. In: The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, second edition, edited by Arbib MA: M.I.T. Press, 2003.Reprint PDF File
  • Carbachol-Induced rhythms in the hippocampal slice: Slow (.5-2Hz), Theta (4-10Hz) and Gamma (80-100Hz) Oscillations.Fellous JM, Johnston T, Segal M and Lisman JE. In: Computational Neuroscience: Trends in Research, edited by Bower JM. New York: Plenum, 1998, p. 367-372.
  • Emotion and Computational Neuroscience. LeDoux JE and Fellous J-M. In: The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, edited by Arbib MA: M.I.T. Press, 1995, p. p356-359.