> Posters

Find below the list of the posters from members of the laboratory. Some tips on how to make good posters can be found on Kathryn W. Tosney website, and also here. Here are summaries of what constitutes a bad poster and a good poster.

Hippocampal Replay and Sleep’s Hidden Language: Methods for Detecting Functional Connectivity from Spike Trains
Yousuf M, Chertkov M, Fellous JM
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL
Explore-Exploit Behavior in Rodents and Humans Using the Changing Bandit Task
Capozella C, Bergstrom S, Xiong H, Wang S, Wilson R and Fellous JM
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL
To Trust or not to Trust: Going the Distance in Rat-Robot Social and Spatial Navigation in Megaspace
Jensen HL, Witherspoon HC,  Fellous JM
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL

Detecting Replay in Multi-Unit Spiking Data
Yousuf M, Chertkov M, Fellous JM
Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC

Rats May Use Different Information to Locate a Positive or Negative Unmarked Area in an Open Field
Wieland J., Keen A.and Fellous JM
Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC

Unraveling Neural Mechanisms of Insular Cortex in Empathic Decision-Making
Carrasco B , Garcia A, Liberona A, Cruz, K.G, Cummings J., Hatfield A, Fellous JM, Contreras M and Valdés JL
Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC


Exploring Psychopathy through a Rodent Social Paradigm
García-Pérez, Carrasco, B, Cruz, K.G., Cummings J., Hatfield A., Fellous J.M., Contreras, M and Valdés, JL
Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC

Integrating Velocity-Dependent Spatio-Temporal Place Cell Information to a Reservoir Model of Prefrontal Cortex
Scleidorovich P., Weitzenfeld A., Fellous JM., Dominey P.F
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA
The Effects of Time Horizon and Guided Choices on Explore-Exploit Decisions in Rodents.
Wang S., Gerken B., Wieland J., Wilson R., and Fellous JM
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA
Multifield and Multiscale Coding of Megaspace by Dorsal and Ventral Hippocampal Place Cells.
Qin Y., Contreras M., Sterzinar M., Harland B. and Fellous JM
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL
Spatial Navigation to Unrewarded and Unmarked Goal Locations.
Wieland J., Gerken B. and Fellous JM
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL
Continuous reward-place coding properties of dorsal distal CA1 hippocampus cells
Xiao Z, Nagl S., Lin, K. and Fellous JM
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL
The role of objects during complex spatial navigation in the rat
Souder M., Rogers M., Qin Y., Scleidorovich P., Weitzenfeld A. and Fellous JM
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL
Hippocampal Place Field Maps: An Analysis of Multiple-Scale Contributions
Scleidorovich P., Fellous JM and Weitzenfeld A.
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL
A Computational Model for a Multi-Goal Spatial Navigation Task inspired by Rodent Studies
Llofriu MA, Scleidorovicj P, Tejera G, Contreras M, Pelc T, Fellous JM, Weitzenfeld A
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Budapest, Hungary
Modeling of Multi-Scale Spatial Navigation in Complex Environments
Scleidorovich P, Llofriu M, Harland B, Contreras M, Fellous JM, Weitzenfeld A
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA
Targeted memory reactivation during sleep facilitates spatial memory consolidation in rats
Howard E, Contreras M, Harper B, Armstrong E, Padgett and FellousJM
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA
Dorsal-Ventral place cell representations in multi-scale environments
Harland B, Contreras M, Scleidorovich P, Weitzenfeld A, Fellous JM
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA
A method for the precise detection and validation of spindle timing in rodents
Harper B and Fellous JM
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA

Involvement of the anterior insular cortex in empathic response in rats
Contreras M and Fellous JM
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA

Spike Sorting via Source Localization
Greene P., Fellous JM and Lin K
Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC
Reactivation of Interfering Memories in the Hippocampus Shapes Memory Performance: a Computational Study
Malerba P., Fellous JM, Bazhenov M
Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC
Understanding the Neural Basis of Empathy in Rodents
Contreras M., Hatfield A., Cummings J., Cruz K.G. and Fellous JM
Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC
Effects of Learning on the Co-Occurrence of Hippocampal Sharp-Wave Ripples and Prefrontal Cortical Spindles in the Rat
Harper B., Contreras M. and Fellous JM
Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC

Complex Rodent Spatial Navigation Optimization in a Large-Scale Environment
Harland, B., Contreras, M., Scleidorovich, P., Llofriu, M., Cazin, N., Weitzenfeld, A., Dominey, P., Fellous, JM
Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC


Topological Map Learning During Pre-exposure and Replay as an Explanation of Latent Learning
Scleidorovich, P., Llofriu, M., Cazin, N., Harland, B., Dominey, P., Fellous, JM, Weitzenfeld, A
Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC

The Role of Hippocampal Replay in a Computational Model of Path Learning
Ragone M., Gianelli S., Schwartz D., Su L., Koyluoglu O. O., Fellous JM
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA
Prefrontal Cortex Reservoir Network Learns to Create Novel Efficient Navigation Sequences by Concatenating Place-cell Snippets Replayed in Hippocampus
Cazin N., Scleidorovich P., Llofriu M, Pelc T, Fellous JM, Weitzenfeld A., Dominey P.F
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA
Sleep Spindles and Reactivation in the Rodent Medial Prefrontal Cortex during Context-Dependent Memory Reconsolidation
Harper B., Sampson A., Sejnowski TJ, Fellous JM
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA
Exploring Mechanisms for Empathy-like Behavior in Rats
Contreras M., Cruz K.G., Cummings J., Hatfield A. and Fellous JM
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA
Intra-hippocampal Cell Synapse Learning May Support Pre-exposure based Latent Learning by Means of Improved Replay Events
Scleidorovich P., Llofriu M, Pelc T., Cazin N., Dominey P.F., Fellous JM, Weitzenfeld A
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA
Neurophysiological Correlates of the Influences of Spatial Context on Hippocampal Reactivation in a Rodent Reconsolidation Paradigm
Nagl S., Harper B., Malerba P., Bazhenov M. and Fellous JM
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA
Neurophysiological Correlates of Spatial Navigation Optimization in the Rodent
Pelc T, Llofriu M., Cazin N., Scleidorovich P., Dominey P.F., Weitzenfeld A. and Fellous JM
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA
Sharp Wave Ripple Complexes Contribute to Context-Dependent Separation of Memories in a Rodent Reconsolidation Task
Stephanie Nagl, Lindsey Crown, Bethany Jones, Masami Tastuno, Jean-Marc Fellous
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL
Ventral Hippocampus Inactivation Impairs Goal-directed Spatial Navigation in Obstacle-Laden Environments
Contreras M., Pelc T., Llofriu M., Weitzenfeld A. and Fellous JM.
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL
A New Rodent Model to Study Empathy
Contreras M., Medina C., Cruz K. and Fellous JM.
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL
Prefrontal Cortex Reservoir Network Learns to Reconstruct Navigation Sequences by Concatenating Place-cell Snippets Replayed in Hippocampus
Nicolas Cazin, Jean-Mmarc Fellous, Alfredo Weitzenfeld, Peter Ford Dominey
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL
Understanding the Mechanisms of Hippocampal Reactivation: from CA3 to CA1
Paola Malerba, Stephanie Nagl, Giri P Krishnan, Jean-Marc Fellous, Maxim Bazhenov
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL
Oxytocin and Social Bonding as Treatments in a Rodent Model of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
E. Janezic, S. Nagl, S. Uppalapati, E. French, JM. Fellous
Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC
Hippocampal Ripples as Inhibitory Transients
P. Malerba, G.P. Krishnan, JM. Fellous, M. Bazhenov
Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC
Effect of Dorsal or Ventral Hippocampus Inactivation on Goal-Directed Spatial Navigation in Rats and Computational Models
M. Contreras, M. Llofriu, A. Weitzenfeld and JM Fellous
Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC
A Connectionist Model of Context-Based Memory Reconsolidation in the Hippocampus: the Role of Sleep
J. Lines, K. Nation, JM Fellous
Computational Neuroscience, Quebec City, CA
Pharmacological and Deep Brain Stimulation treatments in rodent models of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
E. Janezic, R. LaHood, D. Stidd, JP. Langevin, E. French, JM. Fellous
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA
Electrophysiological, Behavioral and Computational Investigations of Memory Reconsolidation in the Rat Hippocampus
Z. Trahan, J. Lines, R. Michael, J. K. White, B. Jones, M.Tatsuno, JM. Fellous
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA
Spatial Cognition: Robot Target Localization in Open Arenas based on Rat Studies
G. Tejera, A. Barrera, JM Fellous, M. Llofriu, A. Weitzenfeld
SPIE "Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications 2013", Baltimore
The influence of multiple firing events on the formation and stability of activity patterns in continuous attractor networks
D Lyttle, A Weitzenfeld, JM Fellous, KL Lin.
Computational Neuroscience, Paris, France

Spatial scale, field stability and dorsoventral organization in a model of grid cells and place cells
D Lyttle, B. Gereke, KL Lin , JM Fellous
Computational Neuroscience, Atlanta, GA


Contextual reminders fail to trigger reconsolidation in aged rats and humans
JM Fellous, B Jones, IM Vargas, S Pest, E Glisky
Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans LA


Investigating remapping and replay in a spatial memory reconsolidation task in rats
B Jones, D Lyttle, Z Trahan, M Tatsuno, JM Fellous.
Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans LA

Analysis of neural network structure by information geometric measure
Y Nie, K Ali, JM Fellous, M Tatsuno
Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans LA, 2012
Amygdala deep brain stimulation is superior to Paroxetine in a rat model of PTSD.
D Stidd, S. Krahl, JM Fellous, JP Langevin.
American Association of Neurological Surgeons , Denver, CO,
Adaptive Recall in Hippocampus.
MD Howard, R Bhattacharyya, RC. O'Reilly, G. Ascoli and JM Fellous.
Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures. Arlington VA ,
Sex Differences in Rodent Optimal Spatial Navigation: Influences of Estrous Cycle and Object Cues in the Traveling Salesperson Problem.
B. Gereke, RJ Compton, JM Fellous.
Society for Neuroscience , Washington DC
Reward as a resilience factor: Responses to Psychosocial Stress.
NS Corral-Frias, WJ Jacobs, L. Nadel , JM Fellous.
Society for Neuroscience , Washington DC
Sex Differences in a Rat Model of PTSD.
K. Edelman-Vogelsang, R . LaHood , NS Corral-Frias, ED French, JM Fellous.
Society for Neuroscience , Washington DC
Effect of intraperitoneal paroxetine in a rat model of posttraumatic stress disorder.
D.A. Stidd, J.P. Langevin, JM Fellous .
Society for Neuroscience , Washington DC ,
The effect of caffeine on the extinction of probabilistic rewards.
ME Waterkotte, M Song, JM Fellous .
Society for Neuroscience , Washington DC
Finding the event structure of neuronal spike trains.
P. Tiesinga, JM Fellous, TJ Sejnowski, V Toups, P Thomas.
Computational Neuroscience Meeting CNS*2011, Stockholm Sweden.
Experience-dependent Reactivations of Ventral Tegmental Area Neurons in the Rat.
JL. Valdés , B. McNaughton, JM Fellous .
Computational Neuroscience Meeting CNS*2011, Stockholm Sweden.
The role of the dopaminergic system in optimal spatial navigation
L. Watkins de Jong, B. Gereke, NS Corral-Frias, K. Scott, G. Martin, JM Fellous .
Society for Neuroscience , San-Diego , CA.
The effects of aging on spatial memory reconsolidation in rats.
B. Jones, E. Bukoski, L. Nadel, JM Fellous .
Society for Neuroscience , San-Diego , CA.
Behavioral and electrophysiological studies of the Ventral Tegmental Area after trauma.
NS Corral-Frias, SW Brookshire, K. Edelman-Vogelsang, JL Valdes, ED French and JM Fellous .
Society for Neuroscience , San-Diego , CA.
Analyzing spike train similarity measures: the effects of bursts and silence.
Lyttle, JM Fellous
Society for Neuroscience , San-Diego , CA
Multiple spike time patterns occur at bifurcation points of membrane potential dynamics
P.J. Thomas, J. V. Toups, JM Fellous, T J. Sejnowski and P Tiesinga
Computational and SYstems Neuroscience , Salt Lake city , Utah.
The Traveling Salesrat: Insights into optimal spatial navigation and the role of the dopaminergic system.
L.Watkins, G. M. Martin, JM Fellous
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago IL
Reliable Transmission of Visual Inputs into Cortex Depends on Thalamic Synchrony.
H.P. Wang , D.J. Spencer, J.M. Fellous, T.J. Sejnowski
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago IL

Re-making memories: A novel paradigm to study memory reconsolidation in rats.
Bethany Jones, Lynn Nadel and Jean-Marc Fellous
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago IL

Role of the ventral tegmental area in anxiety disorders: electrophysiological and reversible inactivation studies in a rodent model of posttraumatic stress disorder.
Corral-Frias NS, Cremer JK, Valdes JM, French ED, Fellous JM
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago IL

Development of a network model to predict alterations in PreBötzinger Complex neurons caused by prenatal nicotine exposure.
Gregory L. Powell, Jason Q. Pilarski, Ralph F. Fregosi, Jean-Marc Fellous
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago IL


Learning to give up! The contribution of the rodent dopaminergic system to extinction.
Sarah J. Cook, Nadia Corral-Frias, Julia Cremer, Jose L. Valdes, Jean-Marc Fellous
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago IL

Reactivation of populations of Ventral Tegmental Area neurons in the rat.
J.L. Valdes, B.L. McNaughton and JM Fellous.
Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC
Distinct characteristics of CA1 place cells correlated with medial or lateral entorhinal cortex layer III input.
McNaughton BL, Hoang LT, Valdes JL, Maurer AP, Burke SN, Fellous JM
Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC
Latent effects of inescapable footshock on Ventral Tegmental Area dopamine cell excitability.
Corral-Frias NS, Valdes JL, Fellous JM, French ED.
Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC
Expression of the immediate-early gene Arc in rat ventral tegmental neurons during aging.
LT Hoang, JM Fellous, CA Barnes.
Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC
Heuristics for revealing the event structure of neuronal spike trains.
JV Toups, JM Fellous, TJ Sejnowski and PH Tiesinga.
Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC
Intrinsic current based phase precession in a toroidal attractor model of path integration in medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) grid cells: effects of speed input and intrinsic current time constants.
Z Navratilova, JM Fellous, B.L. McNaughton.
Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC

Synchronous Thalamic Inputs Drive Cortical Neurons Reliably with Balanced Excitatory and Inhibitory Inputs
Hsi-Ping Wang, Donald J. Spencer, Jean-Marc Fellous and Terrence Sejnowski
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego

A Biophysical Model of Cortical Up and Down States: Roles of Excitatory and Inhibitory Balance and H Current.
Zaneta Navratilova and Jean-Marc Fellous
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego.
Dynamics of sequence learning in rats: The influence of reminders and training by blocks.
B Jones, A McClung, A Hupbach, O Hardt, R Gomez, L Nadel and JM Fellous
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego.
Dynamics of Neural Assemblies Involved in Memory-Trace Replay.
M Tatsuno, P Lipa, B L. McNaughton and JM Fellous
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego.
¿Teléfono descompuesto en el cerebro?:Patrones precisos de actividad neural en CA1 a partir de sinapsis no confiables. Modelando una explicación.
Nadia Corral-Frias, Adam Buntaine and Jean-Marc Fellous
XV Congreso Mexicano de Psicología, Hermossilo, MX
Emergence of reliable spike patterns in models of CA1 cells contacted by unreliable synapses.
A Buntaine, N Corral-Frias and JM Fellous
Computational Neuroscience Meeting, Toronto, CA



Stability of in vitro spike patterns under variation of stimulus amplitude.
Toups JV, Fellous JM, Thomas PJ, Tiesinga PHE and Sejnowski TJ
Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta.
A Novel Analysis Framework for Characterizing Ensemble Spike Patterns Using Spike Train Clustering and Information Geometry.
Lipa P, Tatsuno M, Amari S, McNaughton BL and Fellous JM.
Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta.
Stochastic synaptic transmission in Hippocampus and Cortex.
Buntaine A, Hoang V, Bhanpuri N and Fellous JM
Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta.
Reliability of V1 Cell Responses to Thalamic Natural Stimulus Inputs.
Wang HP, Fellous JM, Spencer DJ, and Sejnowski TJ.
Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC.
Intrinsic and circuit resonance properties in map-based model neurons
M.Bazhenov, N.F. Rulkov, J.-M. Fellous, I. Timofeev
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego.
Statistical validation of spike patterns revealed by fuzzy clustering algorithms.
Toups JV, Fellous JM and Tiesinga PH.
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego.

A Biophysical Neuronal Model Exploring Attention Mechanisms in Visual Cortex
Mishra J, Fellous JM, Sejnowski TJ.
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego.


Synchrony as a mechanism for attentional gain modulation
Jose, J.V., Tiesinga P, Salinas E. and Sejnowski T.J.

Experimental characterization of single neuron spike-time patterns.
Thomas PJ, Fellous JM, Tiesinga PHE, Sejnowski TJ
Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans.
Interaction of sub-threshold Oscillations with Synaptic Inputs in the Cortex.
Stiefel KM, Fellous JM, Sejnowski TJ.
Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans.
Firing reliably with unreliable synapses.
Fellous JM, Spencer D, Wang HP, Junek S, Eagleman DM, Sejnowski TJ.
Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans.
Modulation of the Frequency Preference and Attractor Structure of Prefrontal Cortical Neurons.
Fellous JM, Schreiber S, Tiesinga PHE, Sejnowski TJ.
Society for Neuroscience 445.19, Orlando, FL.
Is attentional gain modulation optimal at gamma frequencies?
Jose JV, Tiesinga PHE, Fellous JM, Salinas E, Sejnowski TJ.
Society for Neuroscience 55.6, Orlando, FL.
Synchronization as a mechanism for attentional modulation
Jose J.V., Tiesinga P.H.E., Fellous J-M., Salinas E., Sejnowski T.J.
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego
Reliability, precision and the neuronal code
Tiesinga P.H.E., Thomas P.J., Fellous J-M., Sejnowski T.J.
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego
Dopamine facilitates the sustained firing of rat layer V prefrontal pyramidal cells in vitro
Fellous J-M. and Sejnowski T.J.
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego
Entrainment by synchronized inhibition boosts information transfer in neocortical neurons
Jose J.V., Tiesinga P.H.E., Fellous J-M. and Sejnowski T.J.
Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans
Computational model of carbachol-induced delta, theta and gamma oscillations in the hippocampus
Tiesinga P.H.E., Fellous J-M., Jose J.V. and Sejnowski T.J.
Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans
Dynamic clamp of cortical neurons in vitro simulates in vivo activity patterns
Fellous J-M., Destexhe A. and Sejnowski T.J.
Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans
Spike timing reliability in the prefrontal cortex depends on the frequency content of its synaptic inputs
Fellous J-M., Houweling A.R., Modi R.H., Rao R.P.N. and Sejnowski T.J.
Society for Neuroscience, Miami
The involvement of CA1 and CA3 in Carbachol-induced oscillations in the hippocampal slice
Fellous J-M. and Sejnowski T.J.
Society for Neuroscience, Los Angeles
Working memory mediated by NMDA channels: Implications for Schizophrenia
Fellous J-M. and Lisman J.E.
Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans
Multiple carbachol-induced oscillations in the hippocampal slice
Fellous J-M. and Lisman J.E.
Computational Neuroscience, Big Sky, MN.
Face Recognition by Elastic Bunch Graph Matching
Fellous J-M., Wiskott L., Kruger N., von der Malsburg C.
Vision, Recognition, Action: Neural Models of Mind and Machine Boston University, Boston, MA.
Using the World-Wide-Web as a Tool for an Inter-Disciplinary approach to the Scientific Study of Emotion
Fellous J-M. and Hudlicka E.
Society for Neuroscience.
Washington DC.